Friday, September 10, 2021

Feeling Too Much

A few years ago, I went to a book signing in Atlanta where I met the founder of To Write Love on Her Arms, Jamie Torkowski. I'd been a supporter of TWLOHA for a long time, and it was a cause that was very close to my heart. I had been secretly dealing with depression for a while when I discovered TWLOHA, so meeting Jamie was a huge deal for me. I made a blog post about it back then, but I never posted it because I wasn't comfortable sharing that part of myself with anyone, much less the internet. Five years later, talking about my mental health doesn't scare me like it did then. I've been in therapy and taken medications off and on for anxiety and depression for years, and I have no shame around it. It's a part of my self-care. 

When I decided to get back into writing my blog, I came across the TWLOHA post that I never published and figured now would be as good a time as any to post it. 


June 2015

I guess the best place to start this blog post is at the very beginning. Four years ago, I was going through a funk. I was super stressed and overwhelmed with life, and I was in a place where I was just very unsure about everything. I was in Hot Topic one day shopping, and I came across a little rubber bracelet that said To Write Love On Her Arms. At the time, I had no idea what the saying meant. I just liked it, so I bought it. I googled the phrase, and I found out that To Write Love On Her Arms is a non-profit organization that helps people who are battling with depression, self-harm, addiction, or contemplating suicide. I immediately fell in love with the organization and its message. For me, it was so encouraging to know that there were other people struggling like me, and it was even more encouraging to know that there were people out there willing to help people like us. TWLOHA's message is that everyone is important. No matter how you are feeling right now, your life means something; people need other people. Ever since then, I have been a supporter of TWLOHA. When I got the chance to meet the founder, Jamie Tworkowski, I jumped at it.

Last week, Alex and I made a day trip up to Atlanta. Jamie was having a book signing promoting his new book, If You Feel Too Much. We got up around seven Tuesday morning, drove six hours, wasted some time in Atlanta, went to the book signing, and then drove the six hours back home. We made a special trip to meet Jamie, but it was totally worth it. So many people came out for the signing, and I loved seeing so many people that I had at least one thing in common with, TWLOHA. Jamie was so nice and laid back. He was so thankful for everyone that came out. He made sure that he took the time to thank everyone individually, and he made everyone feel important, which is the idea behind the organization.

I feel like I have this connection to Jamie because To Write Love On Her Arms found me at a time when I need it most. Whenever I was going through a hard time in my life, emotionally, I found encouragement in TWLOHA, and I will always be thankful for that. His book also has a special place in my heart. Just the title alone speaks to me because it describes me perfectly. Sometimes I do feel too much, but it's not always a bad thing. Maybe sometimes we all need to feel a little more; feel a little more compassion, feel a little more understanding, and - most importantly - feel a little more love. And if you're reading this and you're going through a hard time, know that you are not alone. You are important. You matter. If you take nothing away from this post, please take this. It can't always be cloudy skies. The storm may feel like it will last forever, but the sunshine is still there waiting to come back through. I strongly believe in To Write Love On Her Arms and all that it stands for. If you are struggling and need encouragement or help check out To Write Love On Her Arms. And if you're looking for something to read check out If You Feel Too Much. It is real, honest, and moving. I will not disappoint you.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Book Review: Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewell

I am a bibliophile. I love reading. I love books. I love bookstores. I love libraries. I love anything to do with books. I read a lot of different genres of books, and I will pretty much give anything a try. However, I don't love everything I read. Sometimes it's the characters, and sometimes it's the author's writing style. Regardless, I have a good idea of what I like and what I don't. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Easy Veggie Chili

Chilly weather calls for all the chili and soup. There are very few things better than hot comfort food on a cold day. My favorite pick-me-up meal is a veggie chili recipe I found on Carley Rowena’s blog a few years ago. I’ve looked, but I haven’t been able to find the recipe on her blog anymore. Fear not, I have it memorized, and I will share it with you. She has lots of other great content, so I’ll link her blog here.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Hello 2021


Happy New Year! I know this post is a little late, but the year has been a wild ride already. New Year's is becoming one of my favorite holidays because I love the feeling of starting fresh. I love to sit down, plan things, and get organized. I always set goals for the year, and the past few years I've created a vision board. It's becoming a little tradition for me. I put the goals I want to achieve during the year on there along with some quotes I like and images to set the vibe for the year. Last year, I met almost all the goals on my vision board, so this year I started from scratch. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Three Years Later...

Hey, y'all! It's been a long time, a little over three years to be exact. When I started this blog in 2015, I just wanted to write, and I figured having my own little corner of the internet where I could share my life and the things I love was as good an idea as any. I loved taking the photos, editing them, and writing the posts, but life got in the way somewhere along the line. I decided that I'd jump back into it this year because I believe that amid all of our responsibilities and obligations, we need to have some things we do just for ourselves, because they make us happy. I don't know how often I'll post between work, school, and life in general, but I'll be here as often as I can.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Scottish Kilts And Cable Knits

This is a special post for all my Outlander fans out there. If you read the blog regularly, you know that I am absolutely in love and obsessed with the show and book series Outlander. So, when Hot Topic announced it's very own line of Outlander inspired clothing, I couldn't pass it up. Now, I know that you're probably thinking that I can't possibly call myself a fashion blogger and wear clothes from Hot Topic. While it is true that a lot of their clothes have a costume look to them, they hit the mark with the Outlander collection. Most of the pieces are very wearable. By that, I mean you can walk down the street in them and not look like you're going to a Halloween party.

The first piece I got my hands on was this skirt that is made to resemble a Scottish Kilt. I think it is super cute and, if styled correctly, very fashionable. I decided to pair it with a simple black long-sleeve shirt and some black booties, and that gave it a kind of 70s vibe. It would also look great with some tights underneath if it actually gets cold where you are. I also decided to keep the accessories to a minimum because the skirt has so much detail. Between the buckle on the front and the pleats in the back, it's really all you need.

Monday, October 2, 2017

I'm With The Band

Happy October y'all! It's Fall, but it sure doesn't feel like it in the South. I've been hoping that if I keep dressing like it's Fall, Mother Nature will get on board with the temperature. So far, she isn't getting the message.

Y'all know how much I love to accessorize, but lately I've just been keeping it simple. Instead of wearing lots of things like scarves and jewelry, I've been incorporating more statement pieces of clothing into my outfits.