Sunday, July 26, 2015

After Three Years of Marriage...

Today is my and my husband’s anniversary. Today makes seven years that we have been together and three years that I’ve been able to call him my husband. When we met about 11 years ago, I knew that we would always be in each other’s lives in one way or another. Back then, I never dreamed it would be as husband and wife. It has been three amazing, beautiful years, and I am even more in love with him today than I was back then. Alex and I have the kind of relationship that few people get to experience. We aren’t just husband and wife. We’re best friends. We’re soul mates. Our relationship is so much deeper than just out marriage. I truly believe that God had me in mind when he blessed the world with Alexander Powell. We compliment each other in every way, and I actually feel like we are two halves of one person. When we’re not together, I feel like I’m missing a part of myself. I know that we haven’t been married very long compared to many people, and our relationship isn't perfect by any means, but I wish that every person in this world could experience the type of love that Alex and I have for one another.

We live every day putting our marriage first. Our marriage comes before everything else in our lives. We made vows in front of God, our family, and our friends to be together until death, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. In our society, marriage isn’t a big deal any more. People go out and get married just because they feel like it and end up divorced a couple years later. I take marriage very seriously, and my husband and our relationship comes first in my life. Our marriage is built on trust, honesty, friendship, and most importantly respect. We don’t have unnecessary drama, we don’t fight about money, we don’t have secrets, and we never ever disrespect one another or put each other down. Marriage is about having someone in your corner for life. It’s about having someone looking out for you, and you looking out for them. It’s about being happy and content in the life that you and your spouse share, not because of your material things but because it’s the life that you share together. You’re marriage should be your ultimate support system, and your spouse should be your biggest fan.

I want to take a minute to brag on my wonderful husband. First of all, he’s just the hottest thing ever! I have a good lookin’ husband y’all! He is the most hard working person I know. He works seven days a week and never ever complains. He cooks. He cleans. He has been more supportive of me than I could ever ask. He spoils me, and treats me like a queen. He carries the shopping bags. He always gives me the last bite, if I want it. He eats veggie burgers with me even if he would rather have a steak. He brings me home Starbucks when he gets off of work without me having to ask. Sometimes, it's the smallest gestures that show the most love. I could have searched the world over, and I wouldn’t have found a better person to spend my life with. I can see us when we’re old and gray rocking on our porch with about ten dogs running around in the yard. And I will love him just as much then as I love him now.

“He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”- Emily Bronte

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