Thursday, January 7, 2016

What I Got for Christmas 2015

We has such a fun Christmas this year! We spent a lot of time with family and got to see friends that we haven't seen in a while. We ate tons of good food, and received a lot of great gifts. Now, I know that Christmas is not about gifts, but one of my favorite holiday traditions is watching "What I Got For Christmas" videos on YouTube. I just love seeing people's gift ideas and seeing people get so excited about what their friends and family gave them for Christmas. So, since I'm more of a blogger than a YouTuber, I thought I would share with y'all some of the things I got for Christmas in this post.

I'll start with some of the things my amazing husband gave me for Christmas this year. We always end up picking out some of our own presents, but we still like to surprise each other too. This year my big present from my husband was a mandolin.

I've been wanting to learn to play the mandolin for a while, but they are a little pricey, so we decided it would be one of my Christmas gifts. The next gift he got me, which I picked out for myself, was a Steve Madden bag.

This bag is fabulous! The colors are perfect for fall and winter and for people like me who like to wear blacks and browns together. It also has this really cool pocket on the front that holds a little flowered pouch that came with the bag. I absolutely love it! Alex also got me three Blu-Rays, The Theory of Everything, The Imitation Game, and the complete series of Rocky. He also had a necklace with a boxing glove charm taped to the Rocky set, which I though was super cute.

He also gave me some new bands for my Fitbit that I've been wanting for a long time.

In my stocking, Alex also put two roller balls of my favorite fragrance. I wear Elizabeth and James Nirvana White and Black together. They are two different scents that can be worn alone or together. I choose to layer them and wear them together.

The last gift from Alex was a complete surprise. He got me some lighting to take photos with for the blog!

Our house is super dark, so it's hard to get photos with good lighting. This was a great gift, because it is something that I've been wanting for a long time, and I had no idea that he bought it for me.

The rest of my family got me some amazing gifts too. My Mama gave me this really cute bracelet with all these letters, so you can change what it says.

She also got me a compact hair dryer for when I travel, a coat, and some fuzzy socks. From my Daddy and Karen, I got a scarf, some gloves, and a hat from The North Face.

They also gave me a fragrance and some other cute little things in my stocking.

Katherine also got me a Hedwig coffee mug, which is currently in the dishwasher because I've been using it. My Husband's family gave me a nutcracker, a Bath and Body works candle, and two Christmas ornaments. They are also paying for one of our plane tickets to Colorado next month as a Christmas gift to both of us!

My father-in-law drew my name, so he got me a white pair of Converse that I've been wanting for a while.

My sister-in-law gave me a top and bottom to wear under my ski bibs when we go on vacation.

All together, I had a great Christmas! My family did amazing picking gifts for me, and I got a lot of things that I needed and some things that I wanted as well. My husband even took off of work for a few days, so I got to spend more time with him, and that was an amazing gift within itself. I was very blessed, and I am so thankful for every single thing that I got for Christmas and for the time that I was able to spend with family and friends. I loved sharing my Christmas gifts with you, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Let me know what you got for Christmas in the comments.

XOXO Kayla

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