Sunday, October 2, 2016

Happy Fall Y'all!

It's finally Fall y'all! Even though it really only feels like Fall in the morning right now, there is just something about the Fall season that I anticipate all year. I absolutely love everything about the autumnal season. Everything from pumpkin carving to bonfires makes me unexplainably happy. So in the spirit of Fall, I wore my first Fall outfit yesterday.

Alex and I were able to spend the entire day together yesterday, which is not a very common occurrence. Since we had the entire day, we decide to do something fun. And by do something fun, I mean handle some adult business and go buy groceries. We had some other errands to run too, so we just made a day of it. And since I never miss an opportunity to wear a cute outfit, this is what I decided to go with. The top, shaw, and hat are all from Aeropostale. The jeans are my favorite skinnies from American Eagle. I found the boots at Ross, but they are by the brand Rock and Candy. The bag I'm carrying at the moment is my favorite bag for Fall. It was a Christmas gift from last year, and it's by Steve Madden.

While we were out doing boring adult things, I managed to pick up a few fun goodies. I'm completely obsessed with the series Outlander right now, so I picked up the first two books, and the first season on DVD. I am also equally obsessed with sharks, so of course I had to have The Shallows in my collection. If you know me, you know that I have a love for a good cup of tea like my grandmother, so I decided I needed another box of herbal tea to add to the already overflowing tea cabinet in my kitchen. Let's be honest. There is nothing that a good cup of tea can't fix. I also picked up a new NARS lip crayon in the color Cruella, the perfect Fall/Winter color. And last but not least, I had to have the Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino. Call me basic if you must.

All in all, we had a great day. We rarely get to spend so much time together, so it really doesn't matter that we were out grocery shopping and running errands all day. The most important thing is that we got to spend the entire day together, just the two of us. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your loved ones and never take it for granted. It doesn't matter if you don't get to enjoy a date night every week or afford a vacation every year. Be grateful for the time that you have because that is the most important part.

XOXO Kayla

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