Sunday, January 10, 2021

Three Years Later...

Hey, y'all! It's been a long time, a little over three years to be exact. When I started this blog in 2015, I just wanted to write, and I figured having my own little corner of the internet where I could share my life and the things I love was as good an idea as any. I loved taking the photos, editing them, and writing the posts, but life got in the way somewhere along the line. I decided that I'd jump back into it this year because I believe that amid all of our responsibilities and obligations, we need to have some things we do just for ourselves, because they make us happy. I don't know how often I'll post between work, school, and life in general, but I'll be here as often as I can.

A lot has happened in my life since the last time I posted. A lot has happened just in the past year. I started working at a steel mill in 2017, and it was so emotionally and mentally draining that I didn't have the energy for much else, and that's when I fell behind on the blog. At the beginning of 2020, I decided that I needed to take action and start getting my life to the place I wanted it. My goal was always to "have my life together" by the time I turn 30, and that's coming up in less than three months. So, I decided to go to graduate school, and a little while later I got a new job in my field of study. I manifested it, and it worked out perfectly! I also decided that I needed to put my health and well-being first, so I started going to therapy and reading every self-help book I could find. I did a lot of work on myself last year, and I'm still growing. 

Last summer, all those self-help books and therapy sessions came in handy when I lost my mama. She had been battling COPD for a long time, and she passed in July. I also lost my dog, Shigure two months earlier. He had been with me for my entire adult life, and he was so much more than just a pet to both me and Alex. So at that point in my life, I was starting a new job, taking graduate classes, mourning the loss of my mom and my dog, and living through a pandemic that was taking a toll on everyone and changing everything. Needless to say, last year was the hardest year of my life, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

My 30th birthday is coming up soon, and I'm determined to make this year better than the last. I've always looked forward to turning 30, and I'm convinced that my thirties are going to be my best years. Yes, we're still in the middle of a pandemic, and January is already coming at us hard, but I'm not giving up on 2021 just yet. At the beginning of lockdown, I read a post on To Write Love on Her Arms blog, and I'll link it here. It said, "There is comfort in knowing the sun will be there every morning, like it always has been". There really is a comfort that comes with being able to hold on to something constant in a world that seems like something big is happening every second, so that's what I'm doing.

With all that being said, hold out hope for 2021 and remember the sun will always be there.


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